I unfortunately don't have time right now to go into this even though it's sitting very heavy on me still, but today my little brother cried, and obviously it's a rare enough occasion that I need to write it down. My heart hurts right now and I've been crying on and off for hours now since I saw John Michael cry. It hurts more than it should because I am the one that made him cry.
I hate that.
Today John Michael heard that I am in the beginning stages of interviewing for a position in our San Francisco office at work and, God willing, if I get it I'll obviously move. And soon. And I don't think I've ever seen John Michael cry so hard or so long.
Since the day that boy was born, I was determined to give him the best older brother that I could muster. Apparently I've done well since he hurt so much today just knowing that I might possibly move away.
I'm crying again now and I have Jon and Jason's birthday party to go to so I'll have to leave for now until I can write it all down later.