I think what I also find so endearing about all of it is that it was all born out of that lovely, inconsistent little phenomenon known only as: spontaneity! I was terribly close to declining the sudden trip, thereby denying Sarah and Ashley their opportunity as well, but I remembered that one of my greatest fears in life is laying in my deathbed saying 'coulda, woulda, shoulda'... so I agreed to go. And I believe I would be restating the obvious if I mentioned how glad I am that we went.
So Sarah, Ashley, her little dog (who so kindly dropped a plump little load in my apartment just before leaving) and I scrambled our necessities together, whipped up some sandwiches and small snacks, and set out northbound for Dallas. The drive, like all road trips, was of course a blast as we sang along to some of our favorite tunes and succumbed to the guilty pleasures of Whataburger on the way (save Ashley, who stayed true to her diet the entire time). Ashley's grandmother, who we stayed with in Waco the night before the concert, turned out to be the epitome of grandmotherhood and offered us a heavenly stay: clean and comfy rooms, our own bathroom, use of her computer and printer (to print our spontaneously-purchased concert tickets, which we ended up not printing), and of course fresh coffee, scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. :) She rocked. :D Dallas' populace were great, too! People seemed nicer than San Antonians and the concert crowd all but offered their hearts to their cherished musicians. And thank you Jesus for giving Sarah the strength to drive us the majority of the trip there and the majority of the trip back. I had time to blog a bit from the backseat and sleep as well since I probably would've killed us if it were me driving. Compared to SA's Warped Tour... well there is no comparison. Heh. BUT, we'll see next year if that's because of our complete lack of planning for our first go-round. The only downside to all of this was the lack of sleep, which caused me to get yet another quick but nasty cold. But hey, a small price to pay for a life-touching experience, yeah?
Anyway, let's see how far this new breath of life takes me. It's moments like these that make me appreciate all that God offers me, and also helps me stick through those parts of life that aren't so appreciated. ;)
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